Recovering from a concussion post-car accident can be challenging, but with the proper techniques of motor vehicle accident physiotherapy Edmonton, it is possible to regain health and well-being. With the help of car accident physiotherapy, concussions can be treated. 

Impact of Motor Vehicle Accidents: Causes and Symptoms

Motor Vehicle Accidents (MVA) can result in injuries, some of which may be immediate and obvious, while others may develop over time. The force and sudden impact involved in an MVA can lead to various injuries, such as whiplash, concussions, fractures, soft tissue damage, and even more severe traumatic injuries. 

Common causes of these injuries include sudden deceleration, the body being jolted in different directions or direct impacts with parts of the vehicle or other objects. Symptoms following an MVA can vary depending on the injury but often include pain, swelling, stiffness, headaches, dizziness, and difficulty moving affected areas. Sometimes, symptoms may be delayed, emerging days or weeks after the accident. 

Essential Recovery Techniques for Car Accident Survivors

Discover the crucial recovery techniques that can aid the healing after a motor vehicle accident. Explore motor vehicle accident physiotherapy in Edmonton for tailored rehabilitation solutions.

Gradual Return to Activity

Once symptoms worsen, a gradual return to normal activities is essential. This process should be carefully monitored to avoid setbacks. A structured plan should be followed, progressively reintroducing physical and cognitive activities. Light aerobic exercise is recommended, starting with activities like walking or stationary cycling at a low intensity. Begin with 5-10 minutes and gradually increase the time as tolerated, ensuring that no symptoms are provoked. Cognitive challenges can be reintroduced by engaging in simple tasks such as reading for short periods or doing puzzles. Start with 10-15 minutes of mental activity, taking breaks as needed, and gradually increase the complexity based on tolerance.

Balance and Coordination Exercises

Concussions often affect balance and coordination; try to incorporate exercises that help restore these vital functions. These exercises target the vestibular system, which a concussion can disrupt. One exercise is the standing heel-to-toe walk. To perform this, stand upright and in front of the other, heel to toe. Walk in a straight line for ten steps, then turn around and walk back, focusing on maintaining balance and a steady pace. Perform 2-3 sets of 10 steps each, and increase difficulty by closing the eyes or walking on a softer surface. 

Another exercise is the single-leg stance, where standing on one leg with hands on the hips for 30 seconds and switching to the other leg helps improve balance. Close stand on an uneven surface like a foam pad to make it more challenging. Hold for 30 seconds per leg, repeating three times on each side.

Vestibular Rehabilitation

Visual disturbances or dizziness may occur after a concussion, and vision and vestibular rehabilitation exercises help retrain the eyes and inner ear to function correctly. Gaze stabilization exercises are beneficial. To perform this, sit or stand with a small object at eye level, keeping the head still while moving the eyes side to side and focusing on the object. Gradually increase the speed as tolerated, starting with 1-2 minutes of eye movements and increasing to 3-5 minutes as progress is made.

Strengthening and Conditioning

As recovery progresses, strengthening and conditioning exercises help rebuild physical resilience and prepare for a return to regular activities. These exercises focus on improving overall strength, particularly in the neck and core, to protect against future injuries. 

Neck isometric exercises involve sitting or standing with the head in a neutral position, placing a hand against the forehead, and gently pushing the head against it without moving the neck. Hold the resistance for 5 seconds, then relax. Perform three sets for ten repetitions in each direction (forward, backward, and side-to-side). 

Core strengthening exercises like planks help stabilize the core. To perform a plank, lie face down and lift the body on the forearms and toes, keeping the body straight from head to heels. Try to hold this position for 20-30 seconds, gradually increasing the duration as strength improves.

Cognitive Rehabilitation

 Cognitive rehabilitation is vital for addressing memory, attention, and processing issues that may arise after a concussion. This involves mental exercises and strategies to help regain cognitive function. Engage in activities like memory games, puzzles, or brain-training apps, starting with simple tasks and gradually increasing the difficulty. Spend 15-20 minutes daily on these activities, adjusting based on progress. Attention focus drills are also beneficial, where tasks that improve cognitive function. Begin with short, 5-10 minute sessions, gradually increasing the time as improvements are noted.

Take the First Step Towards Recovery From Post MVA

Recovering from a concussion requires patience, care, and a well-structured plan through motor vehicle accident physiotherapy in Edmonton. At Turning Point Physiotherapy Edmonton, we tailor our approach to each individual, ensuring you receive the best care for your needs. If you or someone you know has experienced a concussion after a car accident, don’t hesitate to seek professional guidance from MVA physiotherapy. The road to recovery is just a step away—contact our expert physiotherapists today and take the first step toward a full recovery.

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